Wednesday, November 17, 2010


First posts are always silly. You proclaim that you're not exactly sure what to say and that you might just be trying this out. Got me! I get so caught up in the things that don't matter that I forget that I haven't worked on a project in awhile. I haven't had anything published in about two years. Hell, I haven't had a new piece of artwork to show off in about as long. It's not to say that I haven't had projects flailing about, but there's not enough to show anyone. In the last two years I've moved up at work so I won't have to be quite as broke and just recently got out of a relationship I'd been in for a year and a half. Things are coming though. I've been slowly working on a new book but it hasn't really come to life yet. That's kinda where this whole thing comes in. I'll be posting raw images and a few other goofy things right here! We're on break from writing our next movie until January, so this is the prime opportunity to sharpen my skills on my personal projects. One of the reasons that my art went to such a standstill had to do with old technology. I just didn't have the tools to produce what I've had in my head. But! I've worked hard over the last two years and purchased just about everything I need, minus the cintiq :( . Maybe I'll get lucky next year. I'll catch you in the next day or so. Here's a terrible terrible photo I just took. I either look better or worse in person!

kittens and octopus clicks,

You can try to guess what I'm doing here,... I'll start. It looks like I might be : going to the bathroom,
trying to make something happen, I just found out that I won something, I just found out I get to go to bed, I'm having peas for dinner. You get the idea.

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